About Us
building resilience & regeneration

Why We Are Here
In the late 20th century one of the world’s first and best systems thinkers, Donella Meadows, first expressed a vision of a group of interconnected learning centres across the world, dedicated to lifting up the highest future potential of people in their specific, unique place. It was a vision of places where the reality of nature and the environment and the expression of culture through buildings, business and the human experience were not separate disciplines. Instead both are intimately interconnected in a mutually reciprocal and evolving relationship. One is an essence expression of the other.
Today we are global travellers. So often we yearn to escape from where we are. To land on different shores where the grass is greener, the birds sing louder, and our sense of equilibrium can be temporarily restored. Although the experience of covid19 has enhanced the possibility of working as a digital nomad as remote working has become so much more acceptable, it has also allowed us to explore the power of home.
Many of us worldwide have got to know the places we live so much better and more intimately than we have ever done. We’ve discovered a new joy in local community, took local walks, enjoyed nature, and supported local businesses. It gave us a new sense of where resilience truly comes from.
The Really Regenerative Centre is our expression of local essence. A backbone organisation which, as a regenerative learning centre for Sussex, is a virtual base for regenerative place-making. A place in which people with passion for place can convene, learn and take action to help create the regenerative future we all need.
We exist to design and host learning journeys on regenerative leadership, transformation & change, regenerative design for regional & city economies, tourism destinations, experiences & venues, construction and development professionals. Our mission is help the transformation from an extractive economy to a regenerative economy – place by place by place.
What We Do
Learning Journeys
We co-create and design learning journeys for individuals, teams, and organisations that support the transformation to a regenerative economy.
We focus on regenerative place-based strategy & design, regenerative leadership, and how change & transformation really happens.
Our knowledge and learning programmes are grounded in the intelligence of living systems. As regenerative development practitioners we work always across three lines of work:-
- SELF – constant inner development
- PLACE – development of others – individuals, team, organisation – based in place
- SYSTEM – to lift up the potential of the whole system that our place-based projects inhabit.
Regenerative Practice
As regenerative practitioners and stewards we offer consultancy and act as guides on the pathway to transformation for organisations with ambitious transformative agendas. Our collective of regenerative practitioners, guides and stewards help organisations
- to develop conversations & engagement with stakeholders
- build vital, lasting energy in communities
- design strategies for regenerative economies
- help organisations discover and embody their unique story through our Power of Place programme.
Connection & Conversation
A conversation is the smallest unit of change. Often the best way to change the nature of place and community is through deep listening, dialogue, and discussion.
In a world of polarised opinions, unspoken fears, deeply held positions and beliefs, conversations and connection must be designed, stewarded and guided by professional facilitators who are unattached to outcomes.
We help you design and host engagement events in which key community stakeholders in the region are invited to discuss challenging issues in a completely safe space, through a series of public initiatives where people from all over the region can share their concerns, and build community resilience.
Our Mission & Approach
Our Vision is of a regenerative future where both people and nature live in harmony and we have resilient and adaptable economic strategies where we, the stakeholders and public, care for the ecology, economy and culture of the bioregions of Sussex. We imagine a climate-resilient future in which we, as communities, have understood and responded to the idea of finite carrying capacity of regions, and that the public has collectively explored this with key stakeholders responsible for our natural resources, economy and habitat, to determine co-creatively how we manage those resources.
Our aim is to support glocalisation of economies and industries that will create a regenerative and resilient future. We believe a systemic, inter-connected, bioregional focus is a strong strategy to achieve climate resilience.
In turbulent, complex times, the ability of a community to work together across traditional boundaries, will be increasingly important. We exist to develop learning journeys that help transformation – of individuals, organisations and systems.
Our Goals are to grow learning networks across communities. We hope to bring communities together to collaborate, co-create and tackle the challenges of a finite planet as they manifest in local places. We believe that by working together, we can all better recognise the value of the natural world, and our interconnectedness to it. We will explore together, how we care for,manage and engage with our natural assets, regenerate regional systems for food, water, energy and waste, and enjoy a thriving life in resilient communities, using wisdom and experience already within the community
Important Stakeholders in our Bioregions

- Adur & Ouse Partnership
- Adur & Worthing Councils
- Arun District Councils
- Arun & Rother Rivers Trust
- The Angling Trust
- Brighton University
- Brighton & Hove Councils
- Chichester Harbour Conservancy
- The Environment Agency
- Southern Water
- South Downs National Park
- Sussex Wildlife Trust
- Transition Town Brighton
- Transition Town Chichester
- Chichester University
- University of Sussex