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Regenerative Resourcing: Engaging ‘different’ mindsets.
I have been privileged to ask to join The RSA of which I am a Fellow in a regenerative learning inquiry this year. Our opening spark session included a q&a session. I'm always nervous about these because it essentially creates a position of 'expert' and 'learners' which isn't really...
Regenerative Resourcing: Dancing with questions.
I have been humbled and honoured to be asked to be part of the regenerative learning inquiry that the staff at The RSA have just embarked on. The regenerative futures team have designed an fascinating pathway over three months in this introductory period, where each monthly flow of interactions...
An Economy of Place – Part 16
WHEN STANDARDISATION IS THE ENEMY OF LIFE One of Life’s key design principles is Uniqueness. We can see this Uniqueness through nature’s pattern literacy. There are only a handful of forms that appear throughout time in nature — waves, streamlines, clouds, spirals, scatters, branches, nets, and...
An Economy of Place – Part 15
FOOD SYSTEMS Ecological, Economic & Social Benefits of Local Food Systems What then, is the role that localising food systems can play in delivering regenerative economies? How can a focus on food help to regenerative urban communities and their economies, and reconnect the city with the...
An Economy of Place – Part 14
FOOD SYSTEMS 2 The Story of SCOOP Situated between the south coast of England, close to the French coastline lies Jersey — the largest of the Channel Islands, a self-governing dependency that is part of the United Kingdom but still uniquely independent. It is well known for its beaches, hiking,...
An Economy of Place – Part 13
FOOD SYSTEMS Localising Food Systems - Naive Dream or Creative Optimism As I publish this we are fast approaching the UN Food Systems Summit in September 2021. Since the post-war environment of the 1950s activated the ‘green revolution’ in food systems, there has never been a more pivotal point in...
An Economy of Place – Part 12
HOW DO WE CREATE REGENERATIVE CITIES? By 2050, the UN estimates that 70% of all people will live in cities — up from 55% today. Although the growth of cities was first seen in Europe and North America, more recently it is Asia and Africa that are growing. Asia has more than half of the world’s 40...
An Economy of Place – Part 11
HOW DO WE CREATE REGENERATIVE TOURISM DESTINATIONS? Although we haven’t quite yet finished the part of this series which looks at key issues that help us shift from extractive to interconnected economies, the time has come to take a sideways shift to look at some specific industries. We will start...
An Economy of Place – Part 10
FROM EXTRACTIVE TO INTERCONNECTED ECONOMIES Activating Citizen Democracy In Donella Meadows paper Interventions in Systems, she writes about buffers and stocks as stabilising forces in society. Mostly when we think about buffers and stocks we think about things like water reservoirs which hold...
Regenerative News
What is a Bioregion?
A good definition is provided by the World Resources Institute: “A bioregion is a land and water territory whose limits are defined not by political boundaries, but by the geographical limits of human communities and ecological systems. Such an area must be large enough to maintain the integrity...